Thursday, December 25, 2008

Stockings hung by the fire with care......

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!! Our stockings are full here at the Golden/Stone house and us girls are waiting to tear through what is under the tree......breakfast is in the works and the dogs even have some surprises from the looks of their stockings!

I wish you all a very merry christmas and hope that you have a wonderful holiday with friends and family! As 2008 comes to a close I realize how truly blessed I am for all of the family and friends in my own life......I love you all; but a certain shout out needs to be said to my #1 SBFF, supporter, counselor, cheerleader and family- Jess! Love ya Jess thanks for always being there for me!

The Queen

1 comment:

DetJessandalltherest said...

Thanks Tami! I love you is to another bigger, better, fabulous year!
