Today is my mother's birthday and if I am The Potato Queen; she is our matriarch:) Even though she doesn't particularly like my blog (she doesn't understand why I would want strangers reading something that resembles my diary), I felt I should still celebrate this day on my blog-as I will be celebrating her birthday today-all day!
We aren't together this year for her birthday, she is on a cruise with my aunt (my aunt's gift to her), how do you top that gift?! Anyways they leave from Florida today for a 4 day cruise and my mom is super excited and very deserving of some time away to regroup and rest! They were hesitant to continue on their adventure because of Gustov, but decided to brave the hurricane anyway-so here's to you mom; my friend-my mother-my supporter-The Potato Matriarch of our family...
Love you mom and Happy Birthday-may this be your best year yet!!!!
The Queen
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