Monday, September 15, 2008

12% or so they say.......

Main Entry: cheat
Pronunciation: \ˈchēt\
Function: verb
Etymology: cheat
Date: 1590
synonyms cheat , cozen , defraud , swindle mean to get something by dishonesty or deception. cheat suggests using trickery that escapes observation . cozen implies artful persuading or flattering to attain a thing or a purpose . defraud stresses depriving one of his or her rights and usually connotes deliberate perversion of the truth . swindle implies large-scale cheating by misrepresentation or abuse of confidence .

Well if you missed Oprah last Thursday you missed a created much discussion at my office last Friday amongst all of us girls and boy did we have allot to say! Basically it was all about cheating and why men do it-specifically focused around men.....they had expert after expert give all sorts of analysis and then even the bravest souls (the cheaters themselves) give their own was all the same, men cheat because they are missing something at home, but really their egos need to be inflated if you ask me.....and that's what some of the men said themselves......attention. It all boils down to the attention......really for both men and women, men may be driven by attraction and women by emotion but its all about attention and ego......

The second half of the show gave some statistics that I thought were pretty interesting.....specifically that 12% of men, no matter what will cheat and have no regrets or any remorse and more than likely will cheat again.....continually.....again and again......this is funny to me, although I know its not a funny topic but out of all of the men in the world I think that I have been involved with the majority of this 12% :) Hence that I am still lookin' for my main spud!

Lesson here-always listen to your instincts, its the truest voice you will ever hear.......
The Queen


Amanda said...

hmm, 12%. I have never understood the "cheating" thing. Onceit happens all trust is broken, no matter what. I can't believe that 12% would cheat regardless without remorse. Those are the guys that need to be DROPPED, and shouldn't be in relationships. Those men have no real feelings, and only care about themselves.
I guess the bright side is that there are 88% of men that aren't like that!!

Tami said...

gotta love ya amanda-yes there is always a bright side! HAHAHAHA-and yes they only care about themselves.....ugh men!

Schme said...

I don't even know if I am allowed to leave a comment in this one. But I just wanted to stop by and say hi. Please don't kill me, womenfolk.

The Lane said...

sweet tami!
love the post- ah the 12%, how they still feel like a majority at times!

miss you around here..LC is procrastinating, HPB is busy drinking and 'lifting'...and me, well-new hair today!

miss ya!
ps: bardan had a baby boy last Sunday!