Thursday, September 25, 2008


(this is "the look" for ya'll that don't know-and sums up the feeling)

Ok ya'll tomorrow is D-day, better known as date was not a good day-anxiousness and nerves have all got the best of me........its been so bad Det couldn't stand it and took Jess and I to dinner......of course we talked about "the date" this point I think I have built this way up,-but really its all in my head.....doesn't remove the fact that i am petrified.....just of the entire word "DATE"......and all that comes with that.......I actually asked Jess why god couldn't just plop it in my lap, but i know that's not realistic. I think at this point you all should feel bad for PS#1......he is clueless-he made reservations, need i say more.

On another note-after the discussion with Det and Jess-I decided that i am going to take a different angle on this and just worry about me and where i am at in all of this, instead of worrying about the other person-because lets get real its always been about the other person to d-day tomorrow-we are on a count down......

I got my haircut tonight-color good-bangs the red shirt.....


PS Jess and Det's house is rocking!!!! she hasn't posted in forever-their computer has a bug and its hard to upload pics-but when she does you all will see all of the progress-bawchickabawbaw!!!!

PSS-i know i am not marrying this guy-and for all of you that think I am taking this too seriously then you don't know me very well and there is no explanation needed for you peeps!


Amanda said...

OK Miss Tami, I have NEVER met you (in person) but I do know you (just ask Jess I know what you are thinking a lot of the time). In fact you are about 1/2 of all of mine and Jess's conversations.
I can't wait to hear how the date goes. Charlie Newton's is such a Tami place!
My advice is to be yourself, you are a great person, you are a strong woman. Yes you have opinions, and your own thoughts, but I think that men that aren't interested in women with their own thoughts and opinions just want someone they can walk all over, and that is someone you don't want to be with anyway.
PS#1 knows you, he likes the person that you are. Just have the wine that Jess will have with you before the "date" and you will be fine.
Try not to stress tooooo much tomorrow.

This that enough for the "night before pep talk"? (if you can't tell I have had some wine tonight too)
Anyway I will be all nervous for you. You will be fine, HE will be the lucky one if he gets you. =)

Schme said...

I agree with everything Amanda says.

Just don't be giving him too much action for the first date!! Leave him wanting more of the Tami!!

You will do great.