1. Victim identity
2. Reward
3. Familiar Routines
4. Revenge
5. Dependency
6. Excuses
7. Avoiding Challenges (now if this were conflict it would not relate to me:))
8. Being the "Center of the Universe" (what child isn't when they are young)
9. Fear of Change (OK so this one relates to me somewhat)
I am telling you this is a pretty feel good read.......of course I am totally being sarcastic...........So some of this I understand-some of it I get; but I am here to tell you that not all of my childhood was bad-there were allot of good parts and memories thrown in there as well...........sure there are things I need to work through, sure some of those are because of experiences in the past or lack of certain relationships.........but while I don't have all 9 "emotional crutches" listed above, there are some I can relate too.........I guess what I am trying to say is that don't we all have things that have happened-don't we all have things we would like to change or have different outcomes from stuff that happened in our past, childhood or not....?
I just pose the question because this book really got me feeling like I am or may be (and I quote) "stuck in my childhood ugliness for decades, sometimes forever, angry, bitter, self destructive, depressed, anxious, or just generally out of control and way off any positive track." Now I will be the first to admit that I have been there and done that-well most of it-and have learned (still learning at times); but can anyone else see themselves in some of this description.......come on people help me out here I feel like I may be the only raging, damaged, adult child out there.......:)
You know all of this is a bunch of crap right? I mean not me and some of the feelings-but this book?! Seriously......people can grow, learn and break cycles-it happens every day.........it may just take some of us longer than others.......
Pretty heavy for Tuesday huh-I think it may be PMS.......
The Queen (or "Queenie" for you Amanda:))
PS . Does this look like a raging, damaged adult child? No-Just one cramming her face full of Mickey D's and finding some relief:)
HAHAHAHAHA! This one had me lauging out loud.
First of all - why are you reading Dr. Laura...the woman is a nutbag, it is pretty common knowledge.
Second, you wouldn't be the Tami we all know if you weren't damaged in some way - that reads a lot worse than intended. What I mean is, you are vulnerable and emotional. You wear your emotions on your sleeve and that is what I love about you! Sure, you have some issues but ...like you said - WHO DOESN'T.
Now go burn that book, you victim, you.
Qweenie- I have to agree with Jess, Dr. Laura is FULL-O-CRAP!! I would like to think of them as "quirks" not a damaged adult!
As for this "stuck in my childhood ugliness for decades, sometimes forever, angry, bitter, self destructive, depressed, anxious, or just generally out of control and way off any positive track." complete and total shit! That sounds more like a crack-wh***, not you!!
I am all for the book burning mentioned above. Hey you can even break in the new fireplace at chez Det.
Alright, I guess I am going to have to put my 2 cents in also. Everyone has there own little "quirks" as Amanda put it. That is what makes us all unique. Every person that reads those books can always relate to something they are referring to. That is why they sell so many of them.
You are the coolest Potato Queen I know. The only thing that matters in a persons life, regarding these issues, is what circumstances they have had to deal with and where they are in the present. You have great family and friends that love you dearly. You treat people with respect and you are holding your own in your personal life as well as professionally. You can take care of yourself, which is a lot more than some adults can handle.
Always remember, God has a plan. It will NEVER be the plan you think it should be! Even people who feel like they have it together at some point in there lives, their plan can change very quickly.
Have fun with the now. Appreciate every day you have and everyone you spend them with. I guarantee people are appreciative of you.
Schme out!
Oh yeah, or you could always live by Smokey's motto:
Fu*k it!!
WOW-this one caused lots of comments:)
I feel a book burning-library style-coming on in the "chez det" fireplace and accompanied by wine of course:) Something else Dr. Laura would say is an "emotional crutch"
Love ya'll!
The Queen
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