Sunday, April 5, 2009

Cabin Fever

Well not exactly......

So it has been awhile since I have posted and I thought I would catch you up on what the PQ has been up too........

I have been spending a lot of time with Andrew and at his house-better known as the "cabin". You may wonder why I call it the cabin- well that could be because of several reasons; could be because there is no cable (did I mention I was addicted to reality TV) or it may because there is no electricity in the bathroom(blow drying my hair has become quite the challenge) or it has to be because of the "camo" motif throughout the home and let's not forget there is no lack of stuffed and mounted animals......but even with all of these challenges I wouldn't want to be anywhere else:) that and I know in the very NEAR future the cabin will receive a little PQ touch!

Let's see, I met Andrew's mom (went very well) and he meets my parents this weekend, as we are headed for Dallas Thursday evening-Happy Easter! This weekend Andrew has been away hunting (which I will have to get used too and also the concept of the actual hunting of the animals) and I have had some time to myself for errands and such; my OCD called clean kicked in as well and the cabin reaped the benefits! Sam is loving the cabin and Andrew loves Sam, so what more could a mother ask for really? ;)

I have decided to change Andrew from PS1 to PK (potato king); I mean since he is officially not a potential anymore and since I am the queen I need my king:) So PK it is.........

Really that's about it-just all of the normal things in the beginning of any relationship-so this is me signing in from love la la land:) I promise I won't be away this long again........

BTW the CMA's are on tonight-it doesn't get much better in my world than this lately!


Amanda said...

ohh big step going from PS1 to PK! Glad you got the cabin in order. Sounds like evereything is going well! Have fun in big D this weeknd. I am sure your parents will love Andrew!

DetJessandalltherest said...

Yay! PQ + PK. Perfect! Very a la PW and MM.

emcal18 said...

I'm thinking it's time for me to meet this "potato king" :)