Friday, July 17, 2009

Super Fast......

OK this is going to be a very quick update-I know that everyone is busy but it seems that more so than ever lately the PQ here it goes (kind of like Letterman's Top 10, but not as funny-well he isn't funny either sometimes so whatever)...
1. Acquired Cat (you all knew this)
2. Rearranged and Cleaned the Cabin (also moved over some of my furniture)
3. Planned Trip to Tulsa (for those of you who know papa-Schmora and Schme, he is not doing well,-they have called hospice)
4. Prepared for Grant's Birthday (tomorrow)
5. Went to dinner ON Grant's birthday with PK's Ex and her husband and additional children (not the best night I have ever had-going to the dentist may have topped it, but it was for Grant)
6. Lady Bahrenburg's birthday brunch
7. Dinner with Jess
8. Dinner with Dave-Couple thang ;)
9. Lost Hobo-The Cat
10. Found Hobo
11. Taking Hobo to get spayed
12. Taking the dogs in for grooming

OK so that may not sound like allot but on top of work and dinner at home (which I am cooking these days) I stay pretty busy......

For all of you mother's out there that do it all-and I do mean ALL-God Bless you, I don't think I could handle it!

P.S. Wish me luck tomorrow, it's a birthday party on the ex's turf (as Jess would say).....I am thinking about prepping with wine and Andrew gave me a firm NO on that one.....what he doesn't know won't kill him!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

umm Andrew had to know at this point wine is a requirement when heading to ex territory! (LOL)

Lost hobo? What happened there?

You are super busy!

And again so sorry to hear about your papa. That is such a hard thing, so glad you are close enough to be able to get up there quickly!