Tuesday, March 30, 2010

North Side vs. South Side

This post may come off as snotty; but does not mean to offend anyone. (:-)

OK so something else that I have been struggling with lately (BTW what is up with all of these struggles, I need to get over it); it is the location of my new home. Now I know what you are thinking, "didn't you seriously consider the area before you purchased?" and my answer would be yes; however I was also considering other factors and those were priorities as well.

Here's the deal for those of you who aren't familiar with OKC; there are two very distinct areas and those would be North side and South side. And you are either a North side girl (which I am) or a South side girl........it's no secret that the South side is the less desirable of the two (remember my disclaimer above please). Personally anything south of N.W. 63rd street is "south side" for me; realistically it would be anything south of I-40. So with my house being located south of N.W. 50th street makes me feel way out of my element. Although I am familiar with the area, I don't want to get out and walk around the neighborhood if you know what I mean. I am used to the 5-6 mile radius known as Lake Hefner and the Village; and this is where my peeps are still located. I feel away from the "flock" so to speak.......it's not that I am unsafe (I need to quit watching 48 hours and freaking myself out though), it is that I feel "south" and for some reason it just hasn't worked itself out with me yet.

No turning back now, and the PQ pad is seriously cute and in the very near future will be getting even more blinged out, just something that has been on my mind. Good news is, is that I am slowly starting to get over myself :).

1 comment:

Julie said...

Did you post pics of the new pad and I missed it??? We need some pics...before/after...anything!

And don't worry...the South will rise again! ;0)